ICCS allows churches to establish Extension Campuses to promote Christian education, training, and discipleship. ICCS extension campuses are non-traditional in the sense that these sites are specifically for the purpose of providing networking and fellowship between ICCS students within the same geographical area. All academic requirements are still conducted through the ICCS Learning Management System by a bona fide ICCS instructor, however, regular meetings will take place to provide an opportunity to discuss forum topics and/or conduct other relevant discussions led by an ICCS Teaching Assistant (e.g., in a designated “Small Group,” “Sunday School,” “Bible Study,” or other regular meetings). Extension Campuses may also recruit students into the program. Students enrolled in an Extension Campus program DO NOT pay tuition, as this is direct ministry as part of the discipleship program of the host church; students are still required to pay other associated costs (application fee, technology fee, books, etc.).

Establishing an ICCS Extension Campus requires five or more students in the local area, a Site Facilitator, and a Teaching Assistant. A Site Facilitator must be a mature Christian and hold either a Bachelor’s Degree in a religious studies-oriented degree, or be currently enrolled in at least one ICCS class. A Teaching Assistant must be a mature Christian and have either a Bachelor’s Degree in a religious studies-oriented degree, or have completed at least THEO 101, THEO 102, and the class they are facilitating (or be concurrently enrolled in the facilitated class) and be currently enrolled in an ICCS Christian Studies degree program. The Teaching Assistant and Site Facilitator can be one and the same person, or two separate people, and be one of the five students.

To start an ICCS Extension Campus, simply send an email to admin@ICCSonline.net with the name(s) of the person or people who will serve as the Site Facilitator and Teaching Assistant, as well as the name and address of the host church. It does not cost anything to establish an extension campus. Extension Campuses may not charge to attend. All school payments are made through ICCS, and all formal course instruction is conducted through ICCS.