ICCS currently offers one program of study that can lead up to a Bachelor’s Degree in “Christian Studies” with two tracks: Lay Ministry Track and Ordained Ministry Track.
The Lay Ministry Track, CIP Code 39.0705, prepares non-ordained individuals to serve as lay leaders, religious educators, youth leaders, and other professional or volunteer positions open to the laity in local churches and other settings. This program includes instruction in Bible studies, theology, spirituality, pastoral counseling, foundations of ministry, effective communication, and church leadership.
The Ordained Ministry Track, CIP Code 39.0602, prepares individuals for ordination as ministers or priests in any of the Christian religious traditions, whether professional or volunteer. This program includes instruction in the theology and polity of the Christian church, church law, liturgy and ritual, principles of pastoral ministry, homiletics, evangelism, church organization and management, Christian ethics, church history, and related studies.
ICCS is non-denominational in nature. Prospective students who wish to become ordained in a particular church must ensure it recognizes ICCS program(s) prior to starting a program. It is incumbent upon the student to ensure they meet the specific requirements necessary for ordination in their particular church or denomination. Some denominations require specific educational requirements and only recognize their own denominational institutions. Some churches or denominations require no education or training for ordination, others required a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Ministry, or Divinity, and some require a Master of Divinity.